Thursday, 23 July 2009

50 random questions you say?

1 What is the capitol of Argentina?
2 Do my feet smell?
3 Holy Jesus is that a bear!?
4 Cracked pepper?
5 Are you kidding me?
6 Do you read the Bible, son?
7 Anybody there?
8 Heads or tails? Call it. If I call it it wouldn't be fair.
9 What's the score?
10 Are you available tonight?
K I've replaced a number with a letter, did you notice this? Do you feel inferior now?
12 How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris? (Answer: False)
13 Are you on Facebook?
16 Big Issue?
17 Does my tackle look big in this?
18 Just who the Holy Moses do you think you are?
19 How's is going?
20 Huhh?
21 What colour Power Ranger?
23 ?
24 Twenty-four already?
25 Can you feel the love tonight?
26 Cracked pepper?
27 NAL?
28 Is this going a bit far to make a point?
29 Have you been drinking, sir?
30 Are you on Twitter?
31 How's the weather like up there?
32 Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
33 Do you find these 50 question things a lazier and easier alternative to writing a meaningful and interesting to read post?
34 Where has the rum gone?
35 What is another word for thesaurus?
36 Is Stephen Wirght actually funny, or does he just say things which sound like they should be funny?
38 I've just skipped to 38, did you notice this? Do you feel inferior now?
39 Does anybody watch The Wire?
40 Bigger shoe?
41 Are you on [socialnetworkingsiteforpeopletowastertimeonbecausetheythinkthatthey'retoo
42 Who will watch the watchmen?
43 Are you talking to me?
44 Too many movie quotes for one list?
45 So, did you get your list from the internet or what? Or did you make your own like me? Just interested.
46 That's an interesting story,
maybe you could include it in that novel you were working on
You know, the novel?
That novel you've been writing?
Add a little plot twist there, hmm?
A little bit of character development, hmm?
Make them seem a little less two-dimensional, hmm?
47 You do realise that Greenday are shit don't you?
48 What time's the next bus?
49 You didn't expect me to write answers as well did you? This took bleeding ages.
50 Just why?

You see, those are random questions.
And just as pointless.

Stay swinging


beffyralph said...

you also missed out 14 and 15.
and i just got mine off the internet....i'm boring see. i could never think up 50 actual random questions. i'm impressed at your creativity/amount of spare time you have :L

Timothy Ted said...

it's really not that hard to think of a load of questions that mean nothing.
But I am starting to wonder why I bothered.

GL said...

that was fun to read :P

And Buenos Aires is the capital btw =D

and :O Greenday are cool!