Who is more busy than he who hath least to do?
-John Clarke
Thanks to iGoogle home page for that one.
So I've walked upstairs and I can't for the life of me think why, the half-empty milk bottle is in the dishwasher and the drunk glass is in the fridge. It's not even that early in the morning and I know I'm too young to have alzheimers. I'm wiping the dust off some shitty Christmas presents and old books from years back so I can sell them in a car boot sale for New York spending money.
I'm really looking forward to New York, only three and a bit weeks left now.
There's not much to think about right now. I don't have a job because I don't need the money and I'm busy enough with school anyway. I don't drive because I don't need to drive because the bus and my legs work fine. I don't have a girlfriend because they're usually too much trouble. I'm not looking at university cause I'm no bloody rush to go to one. I don't have many interests and the ones I do have aren't very interesting anyway. Yes I'm pretty much the most uninteresting person on earth right now.
Yes I have asked about having a party round Halloween, no results as yet. Just a lot of 'oooh, I don't know' s.
Wilson has lengthened his criminal record by wandering into next door's house and stealing a wooden spoon. Well done again Wilson.
Half past six in the morning is not a good time to get lost and accidently walk halfway to town in a partially hungover state.
Oh balls, why must you text questionairres to me T-Mobile? What a rubbish ordeal that is, and I know if I don't text back random answers (I can't see the questions because of my broken screen even if I did give a shit, which I don't so I would've just texted random answers anyway) someone with the strangest accent on earth will ring me and ask the questions again in the most boring way a man with the strangest accent on Earth can and I'll tell him to just leave me alone. I don't think that last text was a question so I think I just texted '5' to 'Thank you for your participation in this survey'. Oh well.

I had to watch season 2 of True Blood online didn't I? I really wish I could've waited till it aired here but I ended up watching the first one and had to continue because it so brilliant and this series is so enticingly strange. I'll miss discussions in between episodes and reading The Guardian' s weekly blogs but I can tell you all that season 2 so far is better than the first, more blood, sex and scary and lots more wierd.
What's the positive(red) image in this teaser poster, is it a guy with a funny beard spitting or something or just nothing?
stay true