Who is more busy than he who hath least to do?
-John Clarke
Thanks to iGoogle home page for that one.
So I've walked upstairs and I can't for the life of me think why, the half-empty milk bottle is in the dishwasher and the drunk glass is in the fridge. It's not even that early in the morning and I know I'm too young to have alzheimers. I'm wiping the dust off some shitty Christmas presents and old books from years back so I can sell them in a car boot sale for New York spending money.
I'm really looking forward to New York, only three and a bit weeks left now.
There's not much to think about right now. I don't have a job because I don't need the money and I'm busy enough with school anyway. I don't drive because I don't need to drive because the bus and my legs work fine. I don't have a girlfriend because they're usually too much trouble. I'm not looking at university cause I'm no bloody rush to go to one. I don't have many interests and the ones I do have aren't very interesting anyway. Yes I'm pretty much the most uninteresting person on earth right now.
Yes I have asked about having a party round Halloween, no results as yet. Just a lot of 'oooh, I don't know' s.
Wilson has lengthened his criminal record by wandering into next door's house and stealing a wooden spoon. Well done again Wilson.
Half past six in the morning is not a good time to get lost and accidently walk halfway to town in a partially hungover state.
Oh balls, why must you text questionairres to me T-Mobile? What a rubbish ordeal that is, and I know if I don't text back random answers (I can't see the questions because of my broken screen even if I did give a shit, which I don't so I would've just texted random answers anyway) someone with the strangest accent on earth will ring me and ask the questions again in the most boring way a man with the strangest accent on Earth can and I'll tell him to just leave me alone. I don't think that last text was a question so I think I just texted '5' to 'Thank you for your participation in this survey'. Oh well.

What's the positive(red) image in this teaser poster, is it a guy with a funny beard spitting or something or just nothing?
stay true
You are silly
It will be out over her in a few weeks. now you have to wait longer for series 3.
I dont want any spoilers :|.
Naughty wilson.
This blog was very narrativicle. You know what i mean, it was narrative-like.
Anyway, seeing as you seem bored, find this out for me:
What do you call someone from Trinidad & Tobago?
Also, i found an awesome hybrid animal today - A zonkey and a liger. Google.
I've heard of a liger but not a zonkey.
Err, a Trinidadian and Tobagan?
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