Tuesday, 16 March 2010


Dressed up like a Prep, felt like a tit.
Walked to Chloe's house in outfit feeling like a tit.
Chloe's dad made jokes about me, felt like a tit.
Saw Ben and Chloe's outfit, felt slightly less like a tit.
Got to Mairs, met new people who judged me for looking like a tit.
Offered a drink, asked for a cider, felt like a tit, no cider, felt even more like a tit.
Happiness spoilt by pointless episode, felt nothing.
Memory gap.
After episode felt like a tit for causing bit of a scene.
Walked most of the way to Top Rock when everybody else began throwing up and collapsing, felt like a tit.
Rang Rachel for no reason, felt like a tit.
Walked Alan home, drank his hip flask, felt bit like a tit.
Made way back and slowly fell asleep with friends in front of TV and felt like everything was good.
Sick all Saturday, felt like a royal tit.

Feel guilty for having such a good life, all I want to do is help all of my friends that have problems and I don't even understand their problems most of the time but there's nothing I can do about them and there's nothing really eating me up other than that unless you count my social incompitance and inability to do something really creative. And that's all I really have to report.