Tuesday 16 March 2010


Dressed up like a Prep, felt like a tit.
Walked to Chloe's house in outfit feeling like a tit.
Chloe's dad made jokes about me, felt like a tit.
Saw Ben and Chloe's outfit, felt slightly less like a tit.
Got to Mairs, met new people who judged me for looking like a tit.
Offered a drink, asked for a cider, felt like a tit, no cider, felt even more like a tit.
Happiness spoilt by pointless episode, felt nothing.
Memory gap.
After episode felt like a tit for causing bit of a scene.
Walked most of the way to Top Rock when everybody else began throwing up and collapsing, felt like a tit.
Rang Rachel for no reason, felt like a tit.
Walked Alan home, drank his hip flask, felt bit like a tit.
Made way back and slowly fell asleep with friends in front of TV and felt like everything was good.
Sick all Saturday, felt like a royal tit.

Feel guilty for having such a good life, all I want to do is help all of my friends that have problems and I don't even understand their problems most of the time but there's nothing I can do about them and there's nothing really eating me up other than that unless you count my social incompitance and inability to do something really creative. And that's all I really have to report.


Xanthe said...

How did you feel Tim?

Don't feel guilty for being happy. The less people with problems the better :).

LiLiBell said...

Tim.........Don't feel guilty, why should you? You help the people with problems just by being happy and improving the general mood around them! and if you want to understand......ask.

also, how do you know what a tit feels like? They're soft and round and usually warm, a bit like pillows, how could that be a bad thing?? lol
Cheer up Tim, when you smile, so does everybody else :-D

ChloeElizabeth said...

Cheer up! did you ever think that the company of happy Tim makes happy friends? or happier at least!

and you didnt look like a tit, i actually think you cheated by dressing stylish instead of in a costume! and my dad just likes to wind people up, thats his personality...

i remember talking to you and i know i was extremely drunk but when i said you are a good friend and that youve been there for me when i needed you..i meant it! :D x