I hope you'll forgive me for not posting in a while as on top of all the Art and Key Skills work I suddenly have to do I've had to stop Wilson from eating/urinating on/jumping off/drowning in/obliterating everything that he comes across, including people so hopefully you'll understand. No pictures yet as I'm still cameraless and phone-screenless so yeah, I guess I'm sorry for that as well.
Apologies over. Now let's talk about my future.
Art is a bastard. A big bastarding knobhead that's been getting on my tits. I suddenly admire all of you that didn't take it, which at the moment I think is everyone. First of all, it's just not art. art is about distorting someone's perception of the world, it comes in the whatever form the artist imagines it to come in. Any attempt to apply structure or logic to it is pointless, it's a spontaneous vision that is entirely unique and it can come when it's ready. It's not other people's work and it's not just things that look pretty and it's not experimentation with different forms and styles, it's not development of ideas. Methods of art can be taught in a school but art itself is taught only by the world.
Which puts me in a bit of a pickle.
All of this sounds like an excuse from my, let's face it, crap art but I assure you that is only partially true.
So what to do?
I want 3 and a half A levels by the end of school. I could get by with 2 and it's pretty much a given that these would be English and Media, I just want to be safe. So I'm shooting for half a Spanish next year and I know that I've already failed Art and don't intead on taking it next year (see rant above). Do I take something else? Brace myself and take it anyway? Take nothing instead? Any other subject would be a half and it would probably be in college, if I could take Politics or Philosophy that would be good and I know I'd do well in Graphics. Then, will my grades be good enough for a Journalism course? As it happens, this is all of what I put as the answer to the problem solving exercise about what to do after leaving Year 13, except this has slightly less explecitives.
Another thing I don't like: Being known as a 'creative sort'. It's a stereotype and it suggests that I can't do anything useful. Which is particularly fustrating because it's absolutely true. Maybe I should take less creative subjects.
[John Baldessari 1968]
I love the name Dexter anyway. Young animals are so crazy and hard to look after, my kittens are still a handful.
Anyway, I know what you mean about being labelled a creative type. I mean, I am too, despite taking 3 sciences, due to my obvious talent at English and my obsession with Manga art...
I can do useful stuff too dammit! -high5-. YES WE CAN!!
I though you were doing well in art. Obviously not :L.
Do philosophy next year. A load of us are doing it at college.
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