So I checked Blogger and... I do have a blog!
So I decided that I'll update said blog and actually post something in it and somewhere along the line maybe I'll get famous. But bare in mind I'm not an experienced bloggist I haven't got a degree in blogology and I appologise if I break any of the international rules of bloggering. I just have very little school or college work left to do and this just happpens to be the thing that I feel that you could give up your time to read.
Here's hoping.
I'm going to be starting with yesterday because I was going to post then but couldn't fit in the time and nothing too interesting happened today anyway.
So I saw Terminator Salvation yesterday. Terminator: Salvation? Terminator -Salvation? It's hard to keep track of subtitles these days. But anyway I saw it in Showcase because the trailers looked pretty impressive and I wanted to get out of the house and because it features Christian Bale (who is actually a very very good actor, if a bit stale in this film). It turned out to be a fairly enjoyable 115 minutes. Also, it gave me a chance to notice that Helena Bonham Carter has a bit of a beard. Or was it just her character, who had cancer? Do people with cancer grow beards? The first two Terminators were better and I haven't seen the third, although my friend Ben rates it as 'Epic Shit'- he has a scale of film ratings that range from 'Not That Shit' to 'Shit', 'Big Shit', 'Giant Shit' and finally 'Epic Shit'. He doesn't like films so much. Also, I actually thought number 2 was better than number 1, but hey, that's just me. Don't hang.
Other than watching big budget robot films I have been genuinely busy finishing the rest of my Art, seeing my shrink, shortlisting names for new puppy, sending off my broken phone to get fixed as well as my broken watch and broken camera and watching the penultimate episode of The Apprentice.
If you don't watch The Apprentice I respect you. Cause television is bad and all that. But it is bloody hilarious and the best place to go for watching the worst human beings in the world group together to make some unbelievably bad decisions.
Apart from in the Labour Party.
Now it's time to kick back and try to wait for tomorrow.
What's happening tomorrow you say?
Why, I'm getting... A PUPPY!
and he's FREAKIN' CUTE!

yep, that's the little guy.
Shortlist of names so far in no order:
Thor, Swamp Thing, Ra, LL Cool J, Batman and more...
Leave a comment if you got something to say
Stay fresh.
Awwww, the puppy is so cute :)
and you should call him Benson :P
:L Don;t worry none of us are experienced bloggers and i definately don't have a degree in bloggerology.
Your dog is unbelievably adorable.
I vot for Riley.
Although in Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles tha is one of teh girls names :L.
Oh my GOD he is sooo fucking adorable.
And I love that you reference apprentice (HAH. THE BITCH LEFT. WHEWT) and the Labour party in the same paragraph.
which bitch?
Deborah right?
I think Alan made the right choices although James is an absolute genius
-in his own way.
i like these comments x
Ofc people with cancer grow beards. If hair doesn't grow out of their head, it grows out of their face. If it doesn't grow out of their head or their face it grows out elsewhere....
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